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The UIC IRACDA program accepts application materials, including reference letters, on a rolling basis.
Commitment to Diversity. The University of Illinois Chicago is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer that has a strong institutional commitment to the principle of diversity. The UIC IRACDA program is dedicated to the goal of building a culturally diverse group of scholars, and therefore is particularly interested in receiving applications from a broad spectrum of people who can contribute to the multiculturalism and excellence of our academic community, including members of underrepresented minorities, women, covered veterans, LGTBIA , and individuals with disabilities. Our goal is to attract world-class applicants who will go on to enrich the educational experience of future generations of students.
Review process. The UIC IRACDA program uses a holistic review, as defined by the AAMC as “mission-aligned admissions or selection processes that consider a broad range of factors—experiences, attributes, and academic metrics—when reviewing applications”. We recognize that the unique background, experience, and characteristics of each candidate are different and will add to the diversity of the program. Equal importance will be given to scholarly accomplishments, quality of references, and the personal statement.
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- Applicants must have completed a PhD in the life sciences or field related to mentor research (ex. chemistry) within the past 2 years or by the start of the UIC IRACDA program
- Applicants should have no more than 1 year of postdoc experience at the time of application*
- Applicants need to be NIH-eligible (US citizen or permanent resident)
* Exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis with approval of the Program Directors; however, UIC has a strict limitation of 5 years total as a postdoctoral scholar, which includes prior positions.
Application Components
For components with page limits, please follow NIH guidelines: single space, 11-point font (Arial, Georgia, Helvetica, Palatino Linotype), 0.5 inch margins, etc.
- Application form
- Cover letter (max 1 page)
- CV
- Two or three recommendation letters
- Ideally one letter will be from your thesis advisor (please contact the Program Directors if extenuating circumstances prevent this).
- Please have your letter writers submit their recommendation directly to with subject line “Letter” followed by your last name.
- If you have already discussed joining a specific mentor’s lab, please use them as a referee and have them:
- Address the proposed research and your qualifications to conduct said work
- The mentor’s commitment to training you and their track record of training
- Statements (3)
- Personal Statement (max 1 page). The personal statement should describe:
- Motivation for a career in academia and career goals
- Details of your research training
- Any other any relevant information or experiences you wish to be considered, including extenuating circumstances or other hardships that may contribute to the holistic review of your application
- Teaching Statement (max 1/2 page). The teaching statement should describe:
- Interest and experience in teaching
- Teaching beliefs and approach
- Diversity Statement (max 1/2 page). The diversity statement should describe:
- How the applicant will expand access and educational opportunities for underrepresented students to help UIC meet its goal of a diverse faculty and student body
- Involvement in diversity initiatives
- Personal Statement (max 1 page). The personal statement should describe:
Application Process & Timeline

DEADLINE: Applications are being accepted on a rolling basis.
All efforts will be made to notify applicants within a month of submission regarding their application status.
For questions about application process, please see the FAQs or Contact Program Directors (below)
Do I need to have a research mentor secured before applying to the UIC IRACDA program?
No, you do not have to have a research mentor confirmed in order to apply; however, we highly recommend you begin the application process by identifying and contacting potential research mentors whose research matches your interest and expertise. During the online application, you will be asked to identify 3-5 research mentors from the IRACDA mentor team. If selected for the program, the Program Directors will work with you to secure an appropriate primary mentor.
Is it preferred to have a UIC IRACDA research mentor secured before applying?
Although it is not required, securing a research mentor will expedite the application process because you will not have the added responsibility of interviewing with mentors while also interviewing for the program. If you have confirmed with a mentor that they are committed to accepting you as a IRACDA scholar, they should be one of your letter writers (see Application Components section).
I would like to work with a research mentor not in the UIC IRACDA mentor list – is this allowed?
Research mentors not already in the IRACDA program will need to be approved by the Program Directors and Advisory Committee. Please contact the Program Directors prior to submitting your application for more information.
Do I need to have a teaching mentor secured before applying to the UIC IRACDA program?
No. Teaching mentors will be established based on the interests and research topics of the scholar with the assistance of the UIC and Partnering Institutions Program Directors after admission to the IRACDA program.
Can I apply if I am already a postdoc at UIC?
Yes. Please note: Applicants should have no more than 1 year of postdoc experience at the time of application. Exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis with approval of the Program Directors; however, UIC has a strict limitation of 5 years total as a postdoctoral scholar, which includes prior positions (see Eligibility section).
Do I need to present a research seminar as a part of the application process?
No, unless you are also interviewing with research mentors. In that case, they may ask for a research presentation. Contact the research mentor directly for more information on their interview expectations.
What is the application deadline?
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.
When should I expect to hear regarding my application?
All efforts will be made to reach out to applicants within a month of their application.
When does the program start?
August of each year is the target start date for the next cohort of UIC IRACDA scholars; however, scholars may begin earlier or later, depending on their availability and mentor support. Start dates will be discussed during the application process.
Is there an application fee?
No, there is no fee to apply to the UIC IRACDA program.